News Games,

Toys and Interactives

What Journalism Games Is All About aims to showcase interactives, toys and games from journalists or about the news. The site is intended as a resource for people who are planning to design or develop a variety of playful infographics, editorial games and more. This is a work-in-progress resource managed by students and faculty at the University of Miami School of Communications department of Interactive Media. Our aim is to support both journalists and independent game makers looking to understand the potential in using playful media to enhance news experiences and understanding.

To cite:

Grace, L., Huang, K. and Shah, M. "Newsgames",, 15 January 2023. List of Newsgames.

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Lindsay Grace
Knight Chair in Interactive Media

Lindsay is Knight Chair in Interactive Media and an associate professor at the University of Miami School of Communication. He is Vice President for the Higher Education Video Game Alliance and the 2019 recipient of the Games for Change Vanguard award. Lindsay's book, Doing Things with Games, Social Impact through Design, is a well-received guide to game design.

Katy Huang
former Research Assistant (2020)

Katy was a graduate student and assistant at the University of Miami School of Communication with a concentration in UX/UI design. With a background in art and advertising, her work has been published on Ads of the world, Graphis and Adstasher.

2023 Contributors:

Mehdi S., University of Miami

2021 Contributors:

Caleb S., Brown University

Casey O., University of Miami