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Pule O Muro: Voce Consegue Escapar Muro De Berljm 2014-11-20

Can you make the escape from the east side of the Berlin wall to the west? Can you make the escape from the east side of the Berlin wall to the west? Can you make the escape from the east side of the Berlin wall to the west?

The game allows your character to take a customized path of crossing the Berlin Wall, with different a/b/c answers for each person you negotiate with, or a strategic decision you make. It is a “create your own story” game with different potential outcomes depending on what you choose to do, such as fight someone, be friendly to someone, negotiate or barter something to pass a certain point, etc. The game also provides a lot of facts during the gameplay, percentages of how many people made it across certain ways, how many people were killed in the process.


Fred di Giacomo

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