News Games,

Toys and Interactives


Newsfeed Defenders 2018-10-02

Manage articles on a fictional social media site Manage articles on a fictional social media site Manage articles on a fictional social media site

The player is tasked with managing and growing a fictional social media site called Newsably. By investigating the credibility of articles posted on the site, this game teaches players how to verify the reliability of the articles they read.


Produced by: Carrie Ray-Hill
 Matt Osber
 Lyubo Dopchev
 Zachary Reese
 Designed by: Colin Skinner
 Engineering by: Chris Johnson
 Illustration by: Chechnya Chang
 UX by: Darrick Reath
 Sound by: Josh Bartels

Organization: iCivics Leonore Annenberg Institute of Civics Filament Games
No archived version available
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