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Layoff 2009-03-16

Layoff the workers for a company to gain profits in a matching puzzle type of game Layoff the workers for a company to gain profits in a matching puzzle type of game Layoff the workers for a company to gain profits in a matching puzzle type of game


Executive Producer: Mary Flanagan
Game Design: Mary Flanagan
Programming: Greg Kohl, RIT student
Art: Grace Ching-Yung, Peng, Jennifer Jacobs
Music: Paul Orbell
Content Development: Jay Bachhuber, Zsuzsa Mitro
Video and Tutorials: Anna Lotko, Chris Takeuchi
Playtesting: Brendan Scully
Assessment: Jonathan Belman
Software Engineering Direction: Dr. Christopher Egert
Concept: Angela Ferraiolo

Organization: Tiltfactor Lab and the Rochester Institute of Technology
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